Liquid Trucking Regional Driver Pay
Effective 2nd QTR 2022
Paid Training
For drivers with at least 1-year verifiable
Class A Driving Experience
$1,500 Per Week
($300 Per Day)
Immediate Drive Time Wages
Regional Base Wage: $19.25 taxable
base wage
Per Diem: $6.00 per driving hour
Hazmat Bonus: $1.25 per hour
Safety/Speed Bonus: $2.00 per hour
Fuel Suggestion Bonus: $1.50 per drive hour
Starting Drive Time Wage: $30.00
Drive Time Bonuses
Production Bonus: Up to $2.00 per drive
hour following each 13 week quarter of work.
Idle Time Bonus: Up to $1.00 per drive
hour following each 13 week quarter of work.
Max Drive Time wage available
after 1st full quarter of work: $33.00
Annual Years of Service Bonuses
Years 1 & 2: $0.50 per year
Years 3 – 7: $0.20 per year
Years 8 – 10: $0.10. per year
11 – 25 Years: $0.05 per year
Paid Time Off: $1.50 per driving hour held in trust to be paid upon request.
Accrued weekly following the completion of working the full week.
Assessorial Wages
CTR – Change Trailer | $10.00 each |
DLT – Drop Loaded Trailer | $10.00 each |
DMT – Drop Empty Trailer | $10.00 each |
DRL – Final Drop Loaded Trailer | $10.00 each |
DTW – Drop Trailer for Wash | $10.00 each |
HLT – Hook Loaded Trailer | $10.00 each |
HMT – Hook Empty Trailer | $10.00 each |
HPL – Hook Preloaded Trailer | $10.00 each |
LLD – Live Load | $10.00 each |
LLD – Live Load Hourly | $20.00 hourly |
LUL – Live Unload | $10.00 each |
LUL – Live Unload Hourly | $20.00 hourly |
WSH – Trailer Wash | $10.00 each |
WSH – Wash Trailer Hourly | $20.00 hourly |
Other Wages
Paid Training: $1500 per week for drivers with at least 1-year verifiable Class A driving experience.
34 Hour Break: $200.00 for each 34-hour break taken on the road away from home on a load.
Layover Pay: $20.00 per hour. Drivers can request layover pay after 2 hours spent waiting. Paying hourly for time spent loading, unloading, or washing out already, layover pay is reserved for breakdowns, waiting on repairs or other events that could cause you to be “laid over” for long periods over 2 hours.
Recruiting Bonus: ($2500) paid $500 per month for 5 months. (Paid 1st week that new driver is assigned his or her own truck until the end of 20 weeks or the new driver quits whichever comes first).
Reimbursements: Provide a receipt for the expense; this must be submitted for approval on a pay sheet or online in the company portal payroll section. After approval, this will be paid.
Drive for Gold: Various performance and thank you points awarded by management. Points can be redeemed for prizes or visa cash card.
Clean DOT Inspection: $25.00 for a clean inspection paid in your payroll check. 3,000 points ($15.00 value) awarded within the Drive for Gold program for a total of $40.00 for each clean inspection.
Base Wage – $25.25 per hour guaranteed wage regardless of performance or qualifications. Base wage is paid for all time spent “driving.” $14.25 per hour of the base wage is taxable, while $6.00 per hour is non-taxable “per diem.”
Per Diem – Non-taxable income of $6.00 per driving hour. This figure is included in the “Base Wage.”
Hazmat Bonus – $1.25 per driving hour will be paid to all employees who possess a current “Hazmat” endorsement. Employees earning this wage will be expected to haul freight that is considered a “Hazardous Material.”
Safety Bonus – Up to $2.00 per driving hour will be paid to all employees who display professional driving and work behavior. All employees will be reviewed on their performance quarterly. Employees that show all of the following characteristics will be awarded this bonus each quarter. Failure to comply with these policies may result in a warning or a bonus deduction. Warnings will be issued in hopes of improvement. Bonus deductions will be issued if improvements cannot be made. New drivers with a good driving record will receive this bonus immediately. All drivers must make an effort to visit with the safety department to discuss performance and perform safety training once per quarter. Accidents may result in a maximum of up to $2.00 per hour bonus deduction. Intentional behavior issues may result in up to $2.00 per hour deduction following one warning.
See schedule of possible individual deductions and bonus deduction matrix on the last page.
Speed Policy – Driving more than 5mph over the speed limit is not acceptable and may result in a loss of safety/speed bonus for one quarter following one warning. Following 90 days of incident-free employment, drivers with at least one year Class A driving experience and a clean MVR can have their truck turned up to 68mph from 65mph at their next service.
-Drives carefully with the speed of traffic
-No Traffic Violations
-Legal use of Electronic Logs (under 10% violations)
-Performance of pre-trip and post-trip inspections
-Professional driving habits -Performs quarterly safety training
-Monitors loading and unloading process closely in case of a spill
-Routinely follows instructions and calls customers to ensure on-time pickups and deliveries
-On-time pickups and deliveries
-Professionalism with customers
-Professional in appearance
-Regularly inspects the interior of tank before and after each trip
-Carries and cares for all company equipment, mandatory tools, and personal protective equipment
-Uses e-log effectively. Sends all required information as instructed, in real-time
-Notifies dispatch of time off in advance when possible
-Uses time efficiently and takes efficient routes
-Avoids excessive idling of the truck
-Turns in all required paperwork on-time
-Notifies dispatch of demurrage time after 2 hours waiting at a shipper or customers
-Uses good communication skills
Production Bonus – All drivers will be ranked against other drivers based on his or her production each quarter. Production will be defined as total revenue earned minus total fuel expense. The bonus scale is listed below.
Top 10% $2.00/ driving hour
81% to 90% $1.75/ driving hour
71% to 80% $1.50/ driving hour
61% to 70% $1.25/ driving hour
51% to 60% $1.00/ driving hour
41% to 50% $0.75/ driving hour
31% to 40% $0.50/ driving hour
21% to 30% $0.25/ driving hour
Lowest 20% $0.00/ driving hour
Idle Time Bonus – Drivers will be paid $0.05 per driving hour for limiting the idling of your truck. Drivers will be paid $0.05 per hour for each 1% under 40% total idle time. For example, if your truck is running 100 hours per week with 60 of those hours spent driving and 40 hours spent idling, you have 40% idle time. Our goal is to reduce the idle time for the fleet to 20% or below and put the savings into the pockets of our drivers.
Years of Service Bonus – Drivers are rewarded for the number of years on the job at OFC / Schmidt Liquid Trucking. The years of service bonus scale per driving hour is listed below.
1 year: $0.50 per hour 6 years: $1.80 per hour 11 to 25 years: $0.05 every year
2 years: $1.00 per hour 7 years: $2.00 per hour
3 years: $1.20 per hour 8 years: $2.10 per hour
4 years: $1.40 per hour 9 years: $2.20 per hour
5 years: $1.60 per hour 10 years: $2.30 per hour
Paid Time Off – Drivers on this plan will earn $1.50 per driving hour to be used for paid time off. These funds will be paid upon request. Paid time off is accrued each week and sits in the bank until requested. The average PTO over one year is $3300-$3700 annually. You must complete the full week to earn the PTO from that week.
Assessorial Pay – All time spent loading, unloading, and washing out will be paid at $20.00 per hour. Your time will be tracked using your arrival and departure messages. The driver must be at the shipper, customer or washout facility to be paid for this time. Additionally, each drop, each hook, load, unload and washout will be paid at $10.00 each. The company will no longer pay for other time spent during the day.
Paid Training – Trainees with at least one year verifiable Class A driving experience will be paid at $1000 per week. Trainees with less than one year Class A driving experience will receive $15.00 per hour for the entire duration of training.
34 Hour Break – Employees that take a 34-hour reset away from home will be paid $200 for each reset. Employees must request to be paid for a 34 Hour Break on the road using the additional pay form on the liquid trucking website or the paper copy form.
Recruiting Bonus – Current drivers are encouraged to invite other quality drivers to come to work at Liquid Trucking. The recruiter must make sure that the recruit puts the recruiter’s name on the original application form to receive the bonus. The recruiting bonus is paid to the current driver at $500 per month for the first 5 months of the recruit’s employment following training. If the hire quits or is terminated from employment at Liquid Trucking, the recruiting bonus will no longer be paid. The number of recruits a driver can add to the team is unlimited. (As is the amount of recruiting bonus money a driver can earn)
Reimbursements – Reimbursements for scales, tolls, and other driver expenses will be reimbursed if a copy of the receipt is submitted. Reimbursements may be submitted via the additional pay form on the liquid trucking website or paper copy version.
Drive For Gold – Various performance and thank you points awarded by management. Points can be redeemed for prizes or visa cash cards. Participation in the Drive for Gold program can be accomplished by creating an account online at Employees will need to create an account using their driver id and the password will be the last 4-digits of his or her social security number. Employees participating in the Drive for Gold program are averaging over $1000 per year in rewards.
Safety Bonus Matrix
Minimum | Maximum | Penalty | Duration |
$- | $200 | warning | 1Q |
$200.01 | $400 | $0.25 | 1Q to 2Q |
$400.01 | $600 | $0.50 | 1Q to 2Q |
$600.01 | $800 | $0.75 | 1Q to 2Q |
$800.01 | $1,000 | $1.00 | 1Q to 2Q |
$1,000.01 | $1,200 | $1.25 | 1Q to 2Q |
$1,200.01 | $1,400 | $1.50 | 1Q to 2Q |
$1,400.01 | $1,600.00 | $1.75 | 1Q to 2Q |
$1,600.01 | $1,800.00 | $2.00 | 1Q to 2Q |
$1,800.01 | or more | $0.25 to $2.00 | up to 4Q’s |
or more
$0.25 – $2.00
1Q to 2Q
1Q to 2Q
1Q to 2Q
1Q to 2Q
1Q to 2Q
1Q to 2Q
1Q to 2Q
1Q to 2Q
up to 4Q’s
Safety Bonus Deductions
Speeding/ Traffic Violation
Customer complaint/ failure to obey site rules resulting in injury
Recommended Penalties
Company Cost
3 times the ticket amount
Full bonus for 4Q’s
-Log Violation over 10% or unsatisfactory logs — $100 per violation
-Failure to wear required PPE — $500 per incident
-Failure to wear company uniform or approved work attire following a verbal warning — $100 per incident
-Failure to maintain a clean vehicle following a verbal warning — $100 per incident
-Failure to perform the pre-trip vehicle after the 1st incident — $100 per incident
-Road rage complaint after 1st incident — $500 per incident
-Customer complain/ failure to obey site rules — $250 per incident
-Failure to notify dispatch on excess heal before leaving a customer — Company Cost
-Late pickups and deliveries after 1st incident — $100 per violation
-Failure to send required macros verbal warning — $500
-Failure to notify dispatch of time off with as much notice as possible. — $100 per event
-Driving out of route without permission or good reason — $2 per mile
-Failure to turn in all required paperwork before midnight Monday — $100 per event
-Failure to notify dispatch of demurrage time — $100 per hour