According to the American Cancer Society, one in eight women will be diagnosed with an invasive breast cancer during their lifetime. This is the second most common cancer in women, behind skin cancer, and accounts for 12% of all cancer diagnoses.
This year over 40,000 women will succumb to this disease. Over 230,000 women will be diagnosed, and only a little over 60,000 of those diagnosed will be in the early stages, with a non invasive form of this cancer. There will be a record of over 2 Million woman who celebrate survival this year, including those who are currently receiving treatment, as well as those in remission.
All of these startling and scary statistics tell us that the most important things regarding breast cancer and all other cancers for that matter is research, awareness and most importantly, possible prevention.
There is a plethora of information to sort through when considering how best to prevent breast cancer, but the things we know for sure are that lowering your risk involves taking care of your body by maintaining a healthy weight, eating a nutrient rich diet, and staying physically active. There are also special genetic tests that can be completed to help you evaluate risk.
When it comes to any cancer, but especially one as prevalent as breast cancer, research is very important to continue to make discoveries and breakthroughs to understand cancer cells and how best to prevent them. When you look to put your hard earned dollars towards breast cancer research, do your research!
Many organizations that are conducting breast cancer research have extremely high overhead expenses, so we want to offer you an opportunity to check out which organizations are stretching your dollars to a more meaningful level. A great place to do that is Charity Navigator. This is a non-profit dedicated to helping you choose wisely when putting your money towards causes that are near and dear to your heart, and your loved ones. Charity Navigator has an entire section dedicated to Breast Cancer charities and assesses how efficiently they are using the funds received.
Breast cancer also has some newer shocking statistics, showing that breast cancer in men is on the rise. While little said or known about this, it is estimated that over 2000 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015, and over 400 men of those men will lose their battle. The number of diagnosises in men is up 26% steadily over the last 25 years. It is important to remember that cancer does not discriminate. Early detection and optimal health is important for men and women.
Be on the look out for “pink” deals all over retail stores for the month of October and make sure you inquire as to which organization they are supporting with your purchase! As always, we care about our Liquid Trucking family, and always strive to provide you with not just a “job” but a meaningful position within our company that supports your lifestyle which includes health and wellness!