Liquid Trucking is proud to announce Brian Swearingen as our new Senior Account Manager. Get to know him here…
Brian attended Colorado State University and worked at Sapp Bros for 32 years. He first started in the warehouse, moved to dispatch, and now has worked in sales for the last 20 years. While there, he was fortunate to have had Liquid Trucking as one of his best clients. He always appreciated the way Roger, Mike, Josh, and Gabe ran the business, so when the opportunity came up to join the organization, he jumped at it. He knew Liquid Trucking was a dependable company and liked the family-feel and small-town values.
As the new Senior Account Manager, Brian’s primary responsibility is to work with existing clients to gain additional business as well as call on new potential clients that Liquid Trucking hasn’t done business with yet. After settling into his new job, he has found learning the details of how the day-to-day process works and understanding the type of customers Liquid Trucking needs in order to make the most money has been the most challenging part. But even with that said, he has loved the personal interaction with current clients and the excitement of earning new business. He has found that when you’re honest with your customers and build a personal relationship with them, that mutual respect makes it difficult for a competitor to take the business away from you.
As Brian continues his time at Liquid Trucking, he hopes to help grow the business in any way that he can. The company has the potential to grow by leaps and bounds, which creates additional careers in the community—the more successful the company, the more opportunities for all employees to grow professionally and financially.
In addition to work-life, Brian lives in Goodyear, AZ, with his wife, Twyla. The couple bought a home down there about ten years ago and moved there full-time a few years ago. They have a daughter who owns an esthetician business and a terrific son-in-law in Lincoln, NE, and a son earning his master’s degree in architecture at the University of Nebraska. Brian and his wife love to travel, hike, and play golf together.
Liquid Trucking is thrilled to have Brian join the team! We already love having his experience and expertise on the team and can’t wait to see all that he accomplishes in this new position. Welcome, Brian Swearingen!