Hauling liquids is our specialty at Liquid Trucking. As liquid haulers, we are taking on a huge responsibility and are highly specialized. Let’s take a look at what makes bulk liquid tanking unique…
Liquid Surge
Imagine you are taking a nice Sunday cruise, you come up to a stoplight. And even though you stop gently, the next thing you know, you get hit with a wave of liquid from behind – this is known as a liquid surge. Just like in the dictionary, a surge is defined as a sudden powerful forward or upward movement. This very action happens when the liquid sloshes back and forth while starting and stopping to drive. Because the liquid surge makes hauling liquids difficult to do, here are some tips…
Tips for Hauling Liquids
- Take precaution: Know your limits when getting behind the wheel of a liquid tanker. Be aware of how your load may react from sudden stops or quick turns. One sudden movement can cause a surge of liquid, make the load unstable, and result in an accident. In addition, you should familiarize yourself with your route. Identify high-risk areas like soft shoulders, downhill grades, limited visibility, and tight turns. Planning for these risks ahead of time will give you plenty of time to be cautious.
- Control your speed: Drive slowly to maintain safety. Speed limits are set for general motorists – not unstable liquid loads. In some instances, commercial vehicles are required by state law to drive slower than the general traffic. But for good measure, truck drivers should drive 10 miles per hour less than the posted speed limit around high-risk areas like curves. The faster you drive, the more likely you will have to make sudden adjustments and have an accident.
- Do safety checks: Perform your pre and post-trip inspections to ensure that your brakes, steering, lights, tires, etc. operate safely. Also, identify what you are hauling and how much. You should be prepared as various materials surge differently. While some restrictions may not allow you to take a full load, be extra careful when driving with a partial load as that will allow more space for the liquid to surge.
- Stay focused: Driving when you are tired is never a good idea but especially when pulling a liquid load. If the contents are spilled, it could be very dangerous. Stay focused by getting your rest, eating healthy, and taking breaks. Know the cues of quitting time like yawning, heavy eyelids, and a wandering mind.
General Trucking Skills
Besides technical skills, there are some general trucking that you should know to make you a more successful driver…
- Have a safe driving record: a safe driving record shows your valuable experience and ability to stay alert while hauling
- Keep detailed records: keeping your logbook up-to-date shows that you are organized and can be held accountable
- Develop customer service skills: even though drivers spend a lot of time alone, brushing up on your customer services skills shows that you care and are willing to make connections
- Be timely: delivering loads on time shows you are reliable and can be trusted as a driver
As you can tell, hauling liquids is not for the average driver. It takes time and experience to be able to do it well. With Liquid Trucking, you can be assured that your load is in good hands. We consistently stand out as trustworthy and safe. If you are interested in having Liquid Trucking haul for you, please give us a call at 844-GO-TANKS.