
Hi Dick, first of all, congratulations on your retirement.

Thank you.

Tell me a little bit about how and when you first discovered Liquid Trucking.

I was going through the ads in the Sioux City Journal and saw an ad for Barto. I went in for an interview and got hired. When I started, I was employee number 7. Of course, I stayed on and eventually, people moved on, and I became employee number two.

Describe those 10 years, your day to day life, your experience at work.

I started working many hours. It took a lot out of me, but I always liked the job. In the beginning I was responsible for picking up the loads and delivering them to the customer on time. My job was to be responsible, be on time, be courteous, be polite. That’s everyone’s role. I learned how to handle situations if a customer is upset, to be responsible for maintenance on your truck and trailer, make sure to communicate if something needs done.

What part of your job did you enjoy most?

I built relationships with certain customers where I always enjoyed servicing them. Of course around here there’s lots of winter driving and that wasn’t always fun. Customers need their product, so you can’t just stop the truck when the roads are bad.

Thank you for your years of excellent service. Let us know, what is it you are looking forward to most about retirement?
Sleeping a lot, a little traveling. I’ll go to Albuquerque for Christmas. See some more local stuff, you know, just being leisurely, that’s my idea of retirement. I’ve got a lot of projects that I’m working on at home right now, some remodeling in the basement. I won’t miss going out in the cold, I’ll tell you that.

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